Sunday, July 19, 2009

Seat Protector

Oh Ian, young Ian, so cautious you are in the early summer of your life. I hear you in the stall next door; the crinkling of your seat protector gives your position away. Just five feet from you but worlds away I void into the void, free, unworried, liberated in my torpid mid-life. "You don't know where their cheeks have been!" is your excuse, but I understand. I am a man, with four-score years of sitting under me. I too have relied upon such frail devices in my youth. But no more. I want ALL that life sends my way, young man. I want to live on the edge, give on the edge, sit on the edge, and shit on the edge of life's seat, to risk ALL for these sweet, seated moments of freedom! Come, join me young man, and put your flimsy paper youth behind you.

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